Join the Moxie Affiliate Program and Earn Up to 5% Commission!


The Moxie Affiliate Program (MAP) rewards registered and KYC/KYB-verified customers for referring new customers to Moxie Payment Rails. By participating in MAP, you agree to these terms.


- All registered and KYC/KYB-verified Moxie Payment Rails customers are eligible.

- No additional application or approval is required.

Getting Started.

1. Obtain your unique referral URL from your Moxie Payment Rails account dashboard.

2. Share your referral URL with potential referrals.

Referral Categories and Commission Structure.

| Category | Commission | Referral Range | Minimum Deposit Requirement |

| --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1 | 1% | 100-500 | $25 or equivalent NGN |

| 2 | 2% | 501-5,000 | $50 or equivalent NGN |

| 3 | 3% | 5,001-50,000 | $100 or equivalent NGN |

| 4 | 4% | 50,001-500,000 | $200 or equivalent NGN |

| 5 | 5% | 500,001+ | $500 or equivalent NGN |


- Referrals must use your unique referral URL to register.

- Referrals must complete KYC/KYB verification.

- Referrals must make a minimum deposit within 30 days of registration.

Tracking and Reporting.

- Your Moxie Payment Rails account dashboard displays referral tracking and commission earnings.

Commission Payment.

- Commissions are earned on transaction fees generated by referred customers.

- Commissions are paid out monthly, along with your Moxie Payment Rails settlements.

Program Terms.

- Moxie reserves the right to terminate your participation upon written notice.

- Any fraudulent activity or abuse may result in immediate termination.

Governing Law.

- These terms are governed by and construed in accordance with Canadian laws.

- Disputes shall be resolved through Canadian courts.


Frequently Asked Questions.

Q: How do I join MAP?

A: Obtain your referral URL from your account dashboard.

Q: What are the commission percentages?

A: Categories 1-5 earn 1-5% commission.

Q: How are commissions paid?

A: Commissions are paid monthly with your settlements.

Q: Can I track referrals?

A: Yes, through your account dashboard.

Join MAP Today and Start Earning!